Friday, January 15, 2010

Heavy heart and aching head

What a week. Thank goodness it's Friday, I don't think I could handle another workday. I have a couple of songs that I've been listening to over, and over, and over again this week and want to share: "Live for Today" by Natalie Grant and "Somebody Like Me" by Jason Crabb - - ENJOY!

The longterm substitute gig is nearly complete but my responsibilities are never-ending. Today was a Teacher Prep Day (no students) and Mrs. York and I worked on grades all day - and I mean ALL day. We started at 9:30 and finished at 4:30. I'm grateful and so appreciative of her help and assistant, but I am very frustrated because I don't feel like the technology is utitilized properly. I am by no means a computer systems professional, but I really, really, REALLY dislike working stupid and wasting time.

My heart is very heavy. Greg Tapp is home from the hospital and I continue to pray for he and Kris and their entire family. I'm not scared of dying, but the pain in my heart is so raw and my soul is shaken terribly because I realize my blessings and how easily it could be my own Dad in that position. Greg is as close to me as a father, and Kaleb and Kelby are like brothers. It hurts so bad to see Greg in this condition, but I am encouraged by Greg's faith in God that he will soon be Home and his pain will cease forever. Oh, how I love that Tapp family! On a lighter note...I had a dream last night that Kaleb and Heather eloped to Mexico. I must call him soon and get the scoop on their cruise, and see if they got hitched.

Greg & Kelby Tapp

Mom called this week with some disturbing news: she must have surgery next week, on January 20th. She made me promise that I would not drive to Kentucky for the procedure, and I gave her my word. She also promises that after her surgery and she has recovered enough for a plane ride, she's coming to Texas for some rest and relaxation. She'll be under lock-and-key at Ropin' H Ranch with Kevin and I.....but we're glad she's coming to see us. Of course, I'm secretly hoping she'll bring an extra suitcase with the real trouble-makers: Case, Tess, and Ben. If you've never met these fine animals, let me quickly introduce you.


Ben is the best cuddle-buddy ever!

Mascot of Tapp Farms Inc., Miss Case

What a crew...and what faces!!!! A lady in Fort Worth recently lost her life when she jumped into a pond in her neighborhood to rescue her dog that had fallen through the ice. Kevin thinks it is absolutely crazy to love an animal like that, but I can understand the woman's devotion and committment. When pets become family, they have their own identity, personality, and they certainly lose their status as "animal" and become a true part of the family. I also understand that not everyone agrees with this position, and many cannot comprehend these feelings, but I've always been been an animal lover. And yes, I believe that our greatly missed animals are in Heaven with Jesus!

And lastly, I'm revising my resume and teacher portfolio materials in preparation for the "season" of application. In fact, Burleson ISD posted a 6th grade English/Language Arts teacher position at Kerr Middle School on their website yesterday and I applied tonight. That would be a great, wonderful, and awesome opportunity. I've worked at Kerr as a substitute and really enjoy the teachers and administration. They have really great students, and I would love to be a part of the team. And - even better - it's close to home!!!!

I'm ready for a relaxing weekend, an extra long weekend. Monday is a holiday - Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. I'm going to enjoy the weekend with Kevin. He's roping in Cleburne tomorrow, there are football games tomorrow night, church on Sunday and I'd like to finish the church directory on Monday. We'll see how much I accomplish, at least I don't have stacks of papers to grade!

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