Sunday, December 27, 2009

Four at a time

How do you eat your sandwich? No, really, how do you eat it? Do you start at a corner and go straight across, repeating until gone? Do you eat the crust first? Do you eat the crust at all? I'm amused at my sandwich eating strategy because I've done it my entire life: I start by biting the top-left corner, moved to the bottom-left, across to the bottom-right, and then finish at the top-right. When I've had four bites, I've got a "cross" shape. Then I repeat the process until the corner pieces are all gone and I'm left with a perfect square again. With another square, I start the four-corner process all over again until the sandwich is completely gone. It's quiet strange, I admit, but I've always eaten sandwiches this way. I try this strategy with a round bun, but the process has to deviated a bit to compensate for the shape. Why do I do this? I think it's because I do not want the bread, meat, or toppings to touch my cheeks. Weird? Yes. Do I care? No.

Here we go with the sandwich...

I told you, I eat the four corners first!!!!

Back to a squared shape.

Last bite!

I took a nap this afternoon and feel refreshed; not that I will get anything accomplished tonight, but I'm not as exhausted! We went to bed much later than usual last night, and then I woke up before the alarm sounded for church this morning. I need more than six hours of sleep to function properly. But my two-hour-nap brought me to an even eight hours for the day, I should be good until bedtime arrives later tonight. :o)

Ready for more football tonight, I missed two hours worth this afternoon with my nap. The Cowboys play the Redskins, let's hope for another "W" in our column. Living in the DFW area, it's like a family member has died if the Cowboys lose a game. The attitude around town is negative and people are just moping around with their heads hanging low......I'm not a huge Cowboys fan, but I'll cheer for the home team if it means people will be nice, cheerful, and smile!

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