Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Weekend 2010

****The tomb is empty...JESUS CHRIST IS ALIVE!****

This past week has been filled with grief and guilt, but because the tomb where Jesus was buried is empty, I am filled with the love and grace of God because He lives!!! Jesus Christ is risen, he's alive.

The celebration of Easter, along with Christmas Eve, is my favorite time of year and worship service at church. The older I get, and as I mature in my faith, the more I understand the significance of the spiritual event that took place at the Passover, on the cross, and inside that tomb.

FUMC-Joshua observed Holy Week with Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services and then celebrated the resurrection of Christ with sunrise services today, Easter Sunday. This was the first Easter sunrise service I had attended in Joshua, and it was beautiful. The youth did a fantastic job leading worship and performing the Easter story; they are a talented group of young adults.

The sun finally peaked through the clouds at the conclusion of the Sunrise Service, it was a beautiful sight this morning praising God and celebrating the Risen Lord ~ this is the real meaning of Easter!
This precious 'Scotty' enjoyed Sunrise Service with us; he belongs to someone who lives in the apartment across the street from FUMC-Joshua. He was precious; and kept my feet warm too!


It's definitely springtime in Texas...the trees and flowers are blooming, the temperatures are rising, and allergy-sufferers are miserable! I have environmental allergies (dust, pollen, etc.) along with food allergies, but this year's weather has been especially wet and windy causing pollen counts to be at extreme levels. Thank goodness for Claritin and Benadryl!!!!!

Cameron enjoyed hunting for Easter eggs at the church yesterday (Saturday); he was a trooper waiting his turn too. The older groups went first while the young children went last. Later in the afternoon, Cameron helped Uncle Kebbie haul hay and feed into the barn with the tractor.

Cameron lounged beneath an oak tree waiting his turn for the Easter egg hunt.


Cameron driving 'Uncle Kebbie' around on the tractor; he's a good driver too!

I'm not sure who's having more fun, Cameron or 'Uncle Kebbie'

What a wonderful weekend filled with friends and family and great times of celebration. Now, if I could just get rid of these awful allergies........

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