It's been a while since I've posted, my apologies. After today's "events," I felt the need to share my utmost embarrassing moment (thus far) in my teaching career of six long weeks:
I passed out in class. Well, in the hallway. I've been congested and sneezing since the weekend, so I've been on a steady diet of nasal decongestants and allergy medication....and not so much food. To be honest, I bet I have not eaten a decent meal the past four days. First period was un-eventful, it included department planning and grading papers. Second period is split with lunch and the first half was fine. Second half, towards the end, WOW! I was conferencing with students about missing grades and the cold sweat began. I immediately knew I was going to pass out. I was dizzy, my head was spinning, and the lights were about to go out in Nicole-ville. I asked one of my students to get the nurse but they sat there confused and unsure what to do........go figure!
In a split-second decision, I leave the classroom hoping to find a teacher nearby to watch my class. At the time, I didn't know where I was going except to get some help. I made it to Ms. Elbert's door and said, "Can you watch my......." and the next thing I know I'm on the floor with LOTS of people surrounding me! Two other teachers were with Ms. Elbert; they stayed with my students, while I'm laying in the middle of the hallway. Embarrassment does not even come to close to what I was feeling. I was fine. I knew I was fine. I just needed to pass out, and I'd be ready to go again!!!!!!
The nurse comes, with her wheelchair - of all things! - and wheels me away to the elevator. The uber-sweet nurse takes me to the "school hospital" and takes my blood pressure, temperature, and asks all the right questions. My vitals were perfectly normal (of course they are, I said I was fine!) and I finished drinking a Mountain Dew and ate some saltine crackers (yum!). After twenty minutes, I had had enough. I begged to go back to class. The precious darlings (really) from second period took my cart of books and my uber-heavy bag downstairs to my next room, where it was waiting for me in third period. They were super-worried about Mrs. H. On "B" day, I have some of the best students ever. While they can drive me crazy, they are sweet when it counts.
Lesson learned: I'm taking my lunch tomorrow. I will stop for 30 minutes and eat, I promise! Geesh, I feel so ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace out, my Benadryl is kicking in. (*Smile*)
I think this calls for sushi!! Why, I'm not exactly sure but I think we need to plan a dinner date soon. Glad you're okay :)