- Being a floating teacher stinks. On the bright side, I don't have a room to decorate.
- While there are always a couple of poop-heads in the mix, overall I have some really good students (but I will probably always call them "creatures").
- It's OK if I have scribble marks and White-Out in my grade book.
- Not every student will pass my class.
- There are lots of ways to spend my free time...grading papers is not one of them.
- I am the adult in every teacher-student conversation.
- Being cool - according to 7th graders - is not in my job description.
- Every day is a new beginning. I greet students with a smile and hope for a good day.
- I can laugh at myself, even if no one else thinks I'm funny.
- Patience is a virtue.
- I'm not all that impressed with Texas history, I still prefer U.S. history and would like to teach 8th grade someday.
- I am not perfect.
- Passing out in front of 7th graders was a good thing. They remind me constantly to eat and take care of myself. Plus, it proved I am human.
- Teaching at any level is great birth control, but middle school is a league of its own.
- My expectations of students are too high in some areas, and too low in others.
- The expectations I have for myself are too high in some areas, and too low in others.
- Organization is crucial.
- I need to improve my documentation and organization system.
God bless.