Thursday, March 11, 2010

2010 Hunger Justice Leader Summit, Bread for the World; Washington, D.C.

Recently I viewed a painting called Ecce Homo, depicting the crucified Christ along with the caption, “This I have done for you - now what will you do for me?” and I was deeply moved. Christianity calls us to action…and I am ready to act.

My great-grandmother once told me to whom much is given, much is expected. I accept the opportunity and responsibility as a Hunger Justice Leader. I am ready to be a voice in action against hunger in Joshua, Texas, my hometown with a population of more than 5,000 and a poverty level nearly 10-percent. In a nation where voice has influence on government and legislation, remaining silent is not an option. I choose to act. I agree with John Wesley who said communities will transform when believers are filled with God’s Holy Spirit and walking obediently to His Word. I am a believer who is willing to take action.

Luke 14:12-14 says, “When you give a lunch or a dinner, don’t invite only your friends, your family, your other relatives, and your rich neighbors…Instead, when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. Then you will be blessed, because they have nothing and cannot pay you back.”

God doesn’t need the wealthy, powerful, and affluent to accomplish His will. He uses all people! God will use anyone - including me - who is willing to build His kingdom.
First United Methodist Church - Joshua

My connection to the community has been intensified by the services provided by my church, the First United Methodist Church of Joshua (FUMC-Joshua). The congregation’s humble hearts and servant spirit has inspired me to become more involved in special projects, including their food pantry, providing supplies to school-age children, and supporting the Angel Tree program by donating clothes, toys, and other goods to families during Christmas.

As a Hunger Justice Leader, my training and knowledge would improve my ability to encourage participation in existing programs and the resources to develop new ones. I want to participate in a more productive role at local non-profit organizations. FUMC-Joshua has Helping Hands Food Pantry that serves 600 families annually and the Angel Food Ministries program provides food to more than 60 families each month. The Harvest House in Burleson serves more than 5,000 families and individuals annually, while the House of Hope in Crowley provides assistance to more than 7,000 families and individuals. I would like to see a program established in Burleson and Joshua similar to the “snack sack” program in Crowley, which provides take-home snacks to students.

The highest compliment of character for anyone is to be “Christ-like,” there’s no better adjective to describe someone. I am very excited about the opportunity to become a Hunger Justice Leader. Christianity goes beyond the walls and doors of a building, it goes to the most unexpected places. I want to go to those places with the Holy Spirit leading and guiding and directing me to do God’s work. I have a gentle spirit and a loving concern for others; and I have a passion to see people transformed by the love and grace offered by Jesus Christ through His humble servants. Instead of asking, “what’s in it for me?” I will ask, “what can I do for you?” I want to be a servant for Christ, just as Christ was a servant. The Bible says very little about self-enrichment; but it says a lot about giving our life for the enrichment of others.

Bread for the World is an opportunity for me - an ordinary 26-year-old - to incorporate Scripture and personal experience, and realize God can do something special as I serve His people. I say, “Here I am, Lord - I will use this opportunity for your honor and glory and praise!”

My desire is to serve those in need. I have prayed for this opportunity and as a Hunger Justice Leader, I will proudly represent my community and commit to using the knowledge and resources provided in Washington, D.C. God is alive and His spirit is at work; He is changing and redirecting my thoughts, interests, attitude, and behaviors to become more like Him. I have a desire to nurture those in need. My message, and my mission, is filled with hope, encouragement, and possibility. With God’s help, I can do this! I want to do this. I want to do this for my community.

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