Sunday, May 9, 2010

You're Invited........ my Pity Party!

For the past four days I've been on an emotional rollercoaster and I have no idea what my problem is. Lately, I've been craving the scent of a newborn baby to cuddle in my arms. On Thursday, I watched episode after episode of "Bringing Home Baby" on TLC and cried like a baby...for no reason whatsoever. After an two-hour cry fest, I started looking at Cameron's baby pictures and started the tear flood again. By Friday evening, I had convinced myself that Cameron will forget who I am and he'll replace me with someone else. I also convinced myself that I'm a horrible "Aunt Co" because I was not at the birthday parties for my niece (Lauren) and nephew (Cason); and, to top it all off: I forgot to take their birthday presents with us to Kevin's parent's house yesterday. Way to go, Aunt Co, WAY TO GO!!!!

It also doesn't help that today - Sunday, May 9 - is Mother's Day and I miss my Mom......a lot. I cried during most of the 8:30 church service, continued my moody-attitude through Sunday School, and tried to gain some composure for the 11:00 service, but I still cried through the intro video. I MISS MY MOM, DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!

My husband is amazing...Kevin spent the better part of an hour consoling me (a.k.a. the Emotional Wife) last night after we had gone to bed...bless his sweet heart. Yesterday, we discussed, at length, my funky-ness and how he thought it was humorous. Last night, however, I was not feeling the humor. In between sobs, I said, "I have no friends, nobody likes me." His reply, "but I like you." Wow. I'm so blessed.

Speaking of blessings, I cannot be in a funk mood when I think of all the wonderful people in my life and how much they really love me: moody or not. Before I left for church this morning, I was reminded that Cameron loves his Aunt Co and Uncle Kebbie. When I arrived at church, four people approached me saying, "Looks like you could use a hug." Yes, I could, thank you!

I don't want to be Debbie Downer, it's just not my nature and it doesn't fit my personality. I also want to be a POSITIVE ROLE MODEL for my wonderful and amazing and talented Genesis Youth Group. Majority of them are in San Antonio this weekend, and I pray for their safe return. Accepting the position of Youth Director was one of the best decisions I've made in a really long time; I am so incredibly proud to be a part of the First United Methodist Church of Joshua. You guys rock!!!!

At youth group we customarily share highs and lows of our week and I am OBVIOUSLY done with lows so here's some highs that are pretty exciting:
  • The Genesis Youth Group did a FANTASTIC JOB last Sunday for Crazy Dinner and Silent Auction. We raised more than $2,000 for mission trip and ministry projects. They are so awesome - and I have to say my homemade Derby Hat was pretty amazing too, as were all the crazy outfits!!!!
  • Hilary and Hailey Ford attended Webster County High School's prom last night; that makes "MaCo" feel so old. The girls, along with their brother, Hunter, are the famed Ford Triplets from Clay. I started babysitting them when they were just 3 years old. Man, how time flies when you're having fun!!!
  • Matt and Lindsey Williams welcomed their daughter, Avery Lynn, on Wednesday, May 5. Avery weighed 6 lbs, 12 ozs. and was 18 inches long. She was born on CINDO DE MAYO!!!!! What a wonderful way to spend your first Mother's Day, Lindsey.
  • Vanilla double-stuffed Oreos are the bomb....I'm just sayin'
  • My 'Salsa Mama' Jacqueline and her husband, Joe, announced she is expecting their first child. Baby Carrier is expected the second week of December, just in time for Christmas!
  • Kimberly Hulsey makes me laugh.........we're going to rule the world someday, or at least our own private island.
  • There are several job postings available in Burleson I.S.D. and I've applied for all that I qualify for...including two English/Language Arts positions and a Social Studies position - all at the middle school level. I am praying for good news; I really, really, really, really, REALLY want to start teaching full-time in the 2010-11 school year.
I hope you've enjoyed this Pity Party and - Lord willing - another will not occur for a long time!!!!


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