Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend: RANDOM!!!!

Just reading my last blog post makes me laugh, I'm such a goof-ball sometimes....I'm totally over my pity party and enjoying my blessed life. Memorial Day weekend was random but a blast. It all started on Friday:

I subbed at South Hills Elementary in Fort Worth for Ms. A's 4th grade class and it was Field Day, which meant we would be "chillaxing" (my new word for chilling and relaxing) and soaking up the A/C and watching movies before going to lunch and then spending the rest of the afternoon outside on the playground. Did I mention that it is almost summer, but the 95-plus temperatures are already in North Texas? It was H-O-T at Field Day, but so much fun. My class won two rounds of tug-o-war and I'm so proud of them. Unfortunately, they were eliminated by one of the 5th grade classes, but they put up a fine struggle!!!!!! Did I mention it was HOT at Field Day? I just wanted to make sure I got that point across.....it was HOT.

Oh - I also got to visit with the second graders in Mrs. R's and Mrs. Y's classes, I was a long-term substitute for Mrs. R back in December and all the kiddos remembered Miss H (that's me!) and yelled and screamed and jumped and were oh-so-excited when I walked into the cafeteria. That was such a joyous moment, I felt so loved. (*smile*)

After spending most of the day outside in the HOT temperatures celebrating Field Day, I spent the evening on the golf course with the Swaney's playing in the couples' scramble at Mountain Valley Country Club in Burleson. Let me tell you - - it was AWESOME! I had such a great time, met many wonderful folks, and ate a fabulous fish dinner afterwards. Our team placed fourth, we won $12, and Phyllis and I got to share the big winnings. The cherry on my sundae: I birdied the last hole all by myself. I'm starting to enjoy this game again, watch out! Seriously.....I'm ready to start playing regularly again.

Kevin left for East Texas while I was playing golf, so I was a "bachelorette" most of Saturday. But I took full advantage of having the day to myself by going to Sam's for ice cream supplies and even did a little "retail therapy" at Kohl's and bought me an awesome, over-sized, anti-gravity lounge chair that I absolutely adore. However, mine is much more awesome because it has a CUPHOLDER on the side!!!!!!!

Sunday was a full day at FUMC Joshua celebrating the Russo's service and remembering Memorial Day. The youth group hosted a Fifth "Sundae" Social and served ice cream sundaes in the afternoon. More than 50 people attended; it was a big success that I hope and pray will continue to grow.

Yesterday (Monday), Kevin and I spent the morning in a vegetable state. We woke up at 9:30 only to go back to bed at 11:00 for a two-hour nap...Seriously! We were both worn out and it felt great to sleep and relax and do nothing. We did a couple of errands and then went to the Monajami's for dinner. Friends of their's came too, with their two kids, and it was a rockin' party.

Kevin became the fourth child in the mix and had a blast. He taught Sydney how to play a card game and then caught her cheating when suddenly she was winning every hand! Cameron and Jake spent most of the time beating on each other only to run to their Mom for a kiss and return as best buddies. Finally, 'Uncle Kebbie' became the "time out chair" and had Cameron and Jake sitting on his lap. Kids are awesome - they are such funny creatures!!!!

Today was a great day too. After staff meeting (where we all sat cross-legged in the chairs because a snake had been seen in the building but was still "loose" as far as we knew), I went to the grocery to get everything I need to make a feast for the Hartman family. They welcomed a new baby girl to their family last Friday and it was a joy to make their dinner. I did a traditional Southern feast: fried pork chops, peach/tomato salsa, extra-cheesy-mac-n-cheese, green bean casserole, cole slaw, and brownies. I hope they enjoy it!

Snake update: it was never found inside the building.......but I'm watching my every step!!!!!

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