Friday, February 26, 2010

Bread for the World (Hunger Justice Leader) and Board of Missions Annual Dinner

I've been wondering......

and asking God, "what is my purpose...what do you want me to do...where do you want me to go?" and I've tried to search my soul and listen for the answers. I know God has given me talents. I want to use them for His glory and praise!

A couple of days ago, Rev. L sent me information from Bread for the World about an opportunity to become a Hunger Justice Leader. I read the email and replied, "I'll think about it."

When God has something for you, for His glory, it stays in the forefront of your mind and attention. I have not been able to ignore, or excuse this issue. It seems the past four days everywhere I look, everywhere I go, there are signs of God confirming to me that I need to pay attention to this Hunger Justice Leader application.

Last night, Mom and I were guests with other members of FUMC-Joshua to the Metropolitan Board of Mission Annual Dinner at the Will Rogers Center in Fort Worth. It was an amazing event, and I'm very privileged to be a part of this community of fellowship and service of mission. While the mission group names were announced, God was whispering in my ear, "pay attention to their purpose." I recognized Burleson's Harvest House and Crowley's House of Hope. They both provide food, clothing, school supplies, educational programs, and financial assistance to individuals and families in need.

This youth group performed and they were AWESOME. They sang "Sanctuary" and "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High." I talked with two of the girls, who were very sweet. We need more of these young people in our schools mentoring the younger ones!!!! 

Mission groups went to the stage to be recognized for their good service.

Bro. Bob Holloway, Fort Worth District Superintendent

Group from FUMC-Joshua (L-R): Charlotte, Tonya, Claudia, Bob R., Bob W., Marty, Nicole, Lou, and Rev. Lara

I am so glad I was able to attend this event with other members of the church. I am humbled by the servant hearts of all those in ministries throughout the Metroplex and who are blessed by our church's porportionments. I know it's money to a good cause, but when you see their faces it makes all the difference. After this dinner, I am convinced that God wants me to submit my application to become a Hunger Justice Leader and bring hunger advocacy to my church and local community. Here I am, Lord.

And, to further affirm my involvement, the message in my fortune cookie today at lunch with friends says: "Your ability to love will help a child in need." God will use even a cookie from the local Chinese restaurant to get my attention!!!!

I am incredibly blessed......and I believe to whom much is given, much is expected. I am excited about this opportunity. Prayers are appreciated!!!!

Peace and love,

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